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2020/1/19 11:40:40发布117次查看

2017.6.24雅思机经|雅思写作机经下载-  小站教育预测机经出炉,需要本期雅思考试机经的同学们,可以右下角在线索取,老师免费发送!
雅思机经     雅思考试     雅思机经
  a building that you think is unusual
  a place near water
  when you went there
  what you did there
  and explain why you enjoyed being near the water at this place
  house moving
  an intelligent person
  a comic actor/actress
  a future plan you have
  a family business
  a science class
  a film you dislike
  a tv program you like/dislike
  a competition you took part in
  a restaurant impressing you a lot
  a place where you learnt about a new culture
  an antique or old object your family has kept for a long time
  1. tell me about the typical homework you had to do in high school.
  every day students get set homework by the teacher. it’s really tiring having to do work every single night! most of the questions are boring to be honest. they’re mostly geared towards getting you to practice what you learnt in school that day. sometimes it’s so boring it can be something as boring as just copying an article. it’s designed to make you remember facts rather than use your brain actively. this is a terrible way to learn! all it does it make you remember things; it doesn’t make you more educated or more intelligent. more interesting homework like essay writing or creative projects would be much more useful.
  ? how to measure a person’s success?
  ? do you think the way people gain success has changed?
  ? how do you define success?
  ? how to reward successful people?
  ? what's the most difficult thing you have ever done?
  ? what qualities does a person need to have to be successful?
  ? do you feel terrible when you fail to do something?
  is failure a necessary thing in people's life?
  describe a place you visited but only for a short period of time
  you should say:
  where you went;
  who you went with;
  what you did during the trip;
  and how you felt about this place



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