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江苏徐州 3M 防护口罩 8211, N95 80/cs

2020/6/28 6:01:08发布194次查看
  • 品牌:3M

thelightweight, disposable n95 particulate respirator is designed tohelp provide quality, reliable worker respiratory protectionagainst certain non-oil based particles. 3m uses a variety ofinnovative features to help you meet your respiratory protectionand comfort needs. the respirator incorporates 3m's proprietarytechnology with advanced electrostatically charged microfiberfilter media, designed for ease of breathing. the proprietary 3m™cool flow™ exhalation valve reduces heat build up inside therespirator to help keep the wearer more comfortable. the soft innermaterial provides added comfort while the cup shape design makesthe respirator spacious and durable. these features, along with theface seal, braided headbands and adjustable m-noseclip, aredesigned to help enhance user comfort and increase wearability.n95 approvedproprietary 3m™ cool flow™ exhalation valvecomfortable foam face sealcompatible with a variety of protective eyewear and hearingprotectionadjustable m-noseclip reduces potential for eyewear fogging andhelps ensure a secure seal and fit.braided headbands two-strap design with dual point attachmenthelps provide a secure fit.suggested applications: grinding, sanding, sweeping, baggingand other dusty or arid operations. ideally suited for worksettings that involve heat, humidity, or long periods of wear.can also be used to help reduce inhalation of certain airbornebiological particles like mold, bacillus anthracis, mycobacteriumtuberculosis, etc. example applications include emergency orpandemic preparedness planning, stockpiling, etc. warning: theserespirators help reduce exposures to certain airborne contaminants.before use, the wearer must read and understand the userinstructions provided as a part of the product packaging. in theu.s., a written respiratory protection program must be implementedmeeting all the requirements of osha 1910.134 including training,fit testing and medical evaluation. in canada, csa standards z94.4requirements must be met and/or requirements of the applicablejurisdiction, as appropriate. misuse may result in sickness ordeath. for proper use, see package instructions, supervisor, orcall 3m oh&esd technical service in usa at andin canada at .
specificationsaerosol type non-oil
braided comfort strap yes
exhalation valve yes
faceseal / nosefoam faceseal
fda cleared no
flame resistance (astm d2859-96) no
fluid resistant (astm f1862) n/a
individually wrapped no
mission type aircraft, ships, vehicles
natural rubber latex components no
niosh approval number tc-84a-1299
nuisance odor relief (< osha pel) n/a
operation type facility safety, maintenance, repair & operations,overhaul
ozone (3m recommended up to 10x osha pel) no
product type dust and other particles
recommended application assembly, cleaning, demolition, facility maintenance, machineoperations, sanding
recommended industry automotive, construction, manufacturing, military maintenance,repair and operation (mro), mining, oil & gas,transportation
respirator style cup
size standard
strap attachment type stapled



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